Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Intranet Network

Intranet Network Mulawarman University since 2006 has been a form of infrastructure optical fiber cable network (Fiber Optic) 4000 meters long that connects Rectorate building, 11 faculty, and 2 units executive who is on the University Mulawarman. In addition to computer networks with optical fiber cable media (Fiber Optic) earlier, also Mulawarman University develop network expansion computer to a local sub-all Faculty with UTP cable media (Unshielded twisted-pair) or STP cable (Shielded Twisted Pair), such as UP. Public Health, building a bersimpul LPPM and Research Center in Local Libraries and since 2009
Mulawarman have backups through a wireless network. With the Wireless is expected to search
faculty and unit offices have not connected to the University intranet Mulawarman. Today that has been connected use wireless as pharmacy faculty fisheries faculty and new buildings. This infrastructure was built with using funding sourced from collaboration Budgets (Budget and Shopping Area) Provincial Government
East Kalimantan and layoffs ICT (Programme Grants Competency - Information Technology and Communication) K2 in 2006 DIKTI

Mulawarman University in addition to connect with a global network of the Internet also has a connection to the network INHERENT (Indonetion Higher Edication Network). This network is a means of access to information Facilitated by the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) with build a network of higher education in Indonesia (INHERENT). University Mulawarman as one node (node) of the 84 other nodes, connected physically and logically from Sabang until Merauke. Infrastructure INHERENT form physical network that connects Mulawarman University Gastric Mangkurat (UNLAM) Banjarmasin via fiber optic cable (Fiber Optic). Network INHERENT University Mulawarman also has a backup link a VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) to ITB Bandung. It is intended if The main network of fiber optic cable
connecting Mulawarman University with the University of Gastric Mangkurat susceptible to interference.
The shape of the utilization of facilities INHERENT including but not limited Videos Conference (Teleconfenrence) between members node, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), e-mail, Millis and chatting and sharing utilization applications and other content. Up currently have to use INHERENT perceived by students and lecturers such as public lectures to students medicine, engineering, universities surrounding private coffee Unmul and activities morning with the Director General of Higher Education for coordination of higher education management. Besides, the continued effort to INHERENT dissemination among Universities around Unmul with using a wireless network Infrastructure. At the end of 2009 the Open University
(UT) samarinda also joined with Mulawarman local node. After development project to switch from providers Telkom service turned into Lintasarta

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