Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Know Your PivotTable

If you have large amounts of data and consists of many columns (fields), certainly from the data that many meanings can be concluded. However, it will be difficult if you must conclude that the tendency of what happened, comparison between a field with another field,loop data, relationship data in a loop period. To make a clear analysis needed grouping, sorting, and processing data in accordance required specifications.

Microsoft Excel has been providing data management facilities in the form Sorting (sorting data), filter (data filtering), and Sub-Total (Grouping and calculation data) 1. However, if the facility had not fulfill your needs in analyzing the data, then there is a great tool called a PivotTable from Excel (Table Rotate axis). Broadly speaking we can say that this is refinement of the features Crosstab (cross tabulation) which is in
Microsoft Excel version 4.0

Excel PivotTable was introduced in version 5.0 which is version of the brightest in the manufacture phase of this program. In This version of Excel to start using multisheet in a file workbook. From version to version, PivotTable experienced improvement in the stability program as well as ease of operation.

Many who thought the PivotTable is a part of a complex and difficult to understand. This view will go away when you step by step read on this subject. The truth has a PivotTable many easy ways to process the data, by the way filter out certain data, rotate the order data in the column becomes line by line, summarize a set of data from the point of view desired. Even after PivotTabel composed, he will be able to another PivotTable as a reference preparation, preparing charts, as table that is used as a reference and still function LOOKUP
much more.

If you just simply need to count, add up the data, then print it in the form of reports, perhaps PivotTable
not means that you need. However, if the data you handle many and you are asked to make reports
conclusions from the data, which are many in each period, PivotTable consider as one of the means that will solve Your problem

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