Various problems can cause the disappearance of data, files could inadvertently
erased, damaged hardware, accidents and disasters, attacks, bugs,
important information stored in the files are no longer available and many
other factors.
Organization is the future of a system administrator, this context in some
case may depend on the availability of such external backup files they own.
Sometimes when the accident occurred which eliminate the data, co-workers and
organization will be grateful when it turned out to have been done penghamanan data
by the system administrator to perform regularly scheduled backups.
Backup files is a necessity, but many administrators
underestimate this.
Become an important red and swollen because of the reasons:
- Error due to users
- Error due to system staffs
- Damage to hardware
- Damage to software
- The destruction and electronic attack
- Theft
- Natural disasters
- Accident
- As an archive of information
Make backups of everything that is considered unique or important in
system, including all user files, some database systems (such as / etc / passwd,
/ Etc / tty) and system directories (like / bin and / usr / bin), particularly those already
In the Linux operating system equipped with a backup application that consists of two
1. Copy
Simplest form of backup is to simply copy files and
directory to a disk or tape. To do that can use the cp command
and dd.
2. Archives
Untk archiving application can use one of three tools that
generally been available on Linux distributions, such as ar, tar, and cpio
1.11 cp Program
This tool is used to copy files and directories with the command format is:
cp [options] file path
cp [options] file ... directory
# Crontab-l
30 23 * * * cp / etc / passwd / mnt / backup
2.11 dd Program
This command is used for a file or directory copied to the device
directly, such as tape, disk. Pernulisannya Format:
dd [- help] [- version] [if = file] [of = file] [IBS = bytes] [obs = bytes] [bs = bytes]
[CBS = bytes] [skip = blocks] [seek = blocks] [count = blocks] [conv = {ascii, EBCDIC,
ibm, block, unblock, lcase, ucase, swab, noerror, notrunc, sync}]
$ Dd if = myfile of = / dev / mytape conv = sync
$ Dd if = myfile of = / dev/fd0 bs = 1k seek = 172
$ Dd if = / etc / * of = / dev/fd0
11.3 tar program
utility tar is commonly used in Unix to create directories and files
into one or in other words mempaketkan. The name tar comes from the word
Tape Archiver. Many software for Linux is distributed in the form of tar,
are now many are already using other forms of rpm packages
(Red Hat Packet Manager) and deb (Debian). However, not all systems
has a utility to handle the rpm, and deb this. But virtually all
Unix systems have this tar utility.
Files that are stored as tar files are commonly known by the name of the archive file (archieve
file). Here is a quick tip for using tar.
• tar-xvzf <nama_file_tar>
Conducting the process of division (uncompress) the file named
nama_file_tar using gzip, and then unpack the archive file
them. This process is usually carried out on the archive files that have
tgz or tar.gz extension
• tar-xvf <nama_file_tar>:
Unpack an archive file without performing the division, made to the
file extension tar archive that has
• tar-tvf <nama_file_tar>
Displays a list of the contents of the archive file named nama_file_tar.
tar-cvzf <nama_file_arsip> <direktori_sumber>
Perform packaging of direktori_sumber in the form of tar and then
make the process of compressing with gzip. The result of this process is
tgz or tar.gz.
• tar-cvf <nama_file_arsip> <direktori_sumber>
Perform packaging of direktori_sumber in the form of tar. Results from
This process is tar
$ Tar cvf backup.tar / etc
$ Tar xvf backup.tar
$ Tar cvf backup.tar / etc / hosts / etc / group / etc / passwd</direktori_sumber></nama_file_arsip></direktori_sumber></nama_file_arsip></nama_file_tar></nama_file_tar></nama_file_tar>
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