Saturday, December 18, 2010

Programming Language

There are many programming languages that have been made since the creation of the first computer. Those languages exist
which pertained to the manufacture of general application, but there
also which is designed for a particular application.
2.1 Why Python
Python can run on different operating systems like Linux, Unix, and Windows. Source reduction programs
a large scale is also a goal made language
this. The comparison of Python with other languages can be viewed on the website:

Or for that style of humor is on: # vowels
Perhaps this programming language has not been heard widely among programmers Indonesia. Python was first
developed by Guido van Rossum in 1990 at CWI,
Netherlands. Discuss this categorized as high level programming language (very-high-level language) and also a
dynamic object-oriented language (object-oriented dynamic language). Python is not just? Just another language? to
create applications, but it is a new kind of language.
In general, Python offers:
• object-oriented
• Structure a reliable programming
• Architecture that can be developed (extensible) and planted (embeddable) in other languages
• The syntax is easy to read
For example, object-oriented features of Python can make
combined with other modules are made with C + +. All
as a stand-alone tools, Python is used for
system administrator tools, a graphical interface, the script the Internet,
and database programming.

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